In this Article, We would like to study about Dams of India .Here, you will find some important MCQ related to the dam located on Various important Indian Rivers.
A Dam is nothing but a barrier across river stream to retain water . this retain water can be used for various purpose such as for generating electricity, for drinking water , for irrigation etc.
This MCQ on Dams of India will be helpful for your upcoming competitive examinations.

Lets Practices MCQ on Dams of India
Q1-Thein Dam is located on which river?
a) Sutlej
b) Jhelum
c) Ravi
d) Chena
Q2-Pong Dam is located on which river?
a) Ravi
b) Sutlej
c) Beas
d) Chenab
Q3-Dulhasti Hydroelectric Project has been developed on which river?
a) Sutlej
b) Chenab
c) Ravi
d) Beas
Q4- Tulbul hydroelectric project has been built on which river?
a) Jhelum
b) Chenab
c) Ravi
d) Beas
Q5- Baglihar hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Jhelum
b) Sutlej
c) Chenab
d) Beas

Q6- Salal hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Sutlej
b) Ravi
c) Beas
d) Chenab
Q7- Uri hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Jhelum
b) Chenab
c) Beas
d) Ravi
Q8- Koldam hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Beas
b) Sutlej
c) Ravi
d) Chenab
Q9- Hirakud hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Krishan
b) Sutlej
c) Godavari
d) Mahanadi
Q10- Panchanpad hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Godavari
b) Narmada
c) Kaveri
d) Krishna
Q11- Shri Shailam hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Mahanadi
b) Krishna
c) Godavari
d) Narmada
Q12- Bhakhada Nangal hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Mahanadi
b) Beas
c) Sutlej
d) Sarju
Q13- Matatila dam is located on which river?
a) Narmada
b) Shipra
c) Chambal
d) Betwa
Q14- Kakarapar hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Tapti
b) Chambal
c) Narmada
d) Betwa
Q15- Indira Sagar dam is located on which river?
a) Chambal
b) Betwa
c) Narmada
d) Mahi
Q16- Sardar Sarovar Dam is located on which river?
a) Tapti
b) Narmada
c) Chambal
d) Shipra
Q17- Jamanalal Bajaj Sagar dam is located on which river?
a) Narmada
b) Tapti
c) Chambal
d) Mahi
Q18- Ukai hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Narmada
b) Mahi
c) Chambal
d) Tapti
Q19- Hidkal Hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Ghataprabha
b) Kaveri
c) Kalindi
d) Malaprabha
Q20- Shivanasamudra hydroelectric project has been developed on which river?
a) Godavari
b) Krishna
c) Kaveri
d) Ghataprabha