Sub division of Biology MCQs Top 10 Unique

In this Article, We would like to study about the Various Subdivision of Biology. Biology is a branch of science in which we study about living things. its scope is very vast and it has many specialized branches, these branches are called subdivisions of biology.

In this Article we will learn about 40 important subdivisions of Biology and also solve some Biology MCQs related to them:

Biology MCQs

Table: 01  General Science Biology MCQs

S. NoName of SubdivisionDefinition
1.EcologyStudy of interaction of organisms with their physical environments
2.AnthologyStudy of flowers
3.AgrostologyStudy of grasses
4.OrnithologyStudy of birds
5.GeneticStudy of inheritance
6.Palaeo biologyStudy of plant fossils
7.PhrenologyStudy of human skulls
8.IchthyologyStudy of fishes
9.EntomologyStudy of insects
10.ParasitologyStudy of parasites organism
11.MalacologyStudy of molluscs and their cell
12.DemographyStatistical study of population and humanity
13.VirologyStudy of viruses
14.EthologyStudy of the human behavior
15.EthnographyStudy of the specific culture
16.BionomyStudy of laws of life
17.BiomicsComprehensive study of an organism and its relation to its Environment
18.BiometryStatistical study of Biological problem
19.ApicultureStudy of Bees
20.HorticultureStudy of fruits and flowers producing plants
21.SericultureStudy of Rearing Silk worm
22.floricultureStudy of flowers for decorating work
23.AgronomyStudy of crop cultivation
24.PomologyStudy of fruits and their cultivation practices
25.PissicultureStudy of the fish hatchery
26.PhilologyStudy of language structure and its history
27.EntomologyStudy of insects
28.IconographyStudy of Idols
29.LexicologyStudy  of a compilation  of a dictionary
30.Vermi cultureStudy of artificial rearing worms to decompose organic substances
31.GerontologyStudy of old age
32.PedologyStudy of soil formation
33.OsteologyStudy of bones
34.OrologyStudy of mountains
35.SerologyStudy of serum
36.GeologyStudy the  of the internal structure of the earth and the matter found inside
37.SerpentologyStudy of snakes
38.PhysiologyStudy of how living thing function
39.BacteriologyStudy of bacteria
40.PathologyStudy of diseases

General Science Biology MCQs with Answers

1- Etymology is …?

a) Study of Ants
b) Study of tissue
c) the study of the origins and history of words and their meanings
d) the scientific study of the cause of disease

Answer : c) the study of the origins and history of words and their meanings

2- Etiology is…?

a) Study of Ants
b) Study of tissue
c) the study of the origins and history of words and their meanings
d) the scientific study of the cause of disease

Answer : d) the scientific study of the cause of disease

3- herpetology is…?

a) Study of Ants
b) Study of tissue
c) Study of the Environment
d) Study of Amphibians and reptiles

Answer : d) Study of Amphibians and reptiles

4- Demography is the…?

a) Study of Animals
b) Study of population
c) Study of the tribal area
c) Study of the coastal area

Answer : b) Study of population

5- Ornithology is the…?

a) Study of Algue
b) Study of Birds
c) Study of disease
d) Study of tissue

Answer : b) Study of Birds

6- Mycology is the…?

a) Study of Algue
b) Study of tissue
c) Study of fungi
d) Study of Birds

Answer : c) Study of fungi

7- Osteology is the…?

a) Study of Bones
b) Study of lungs
c) Study of Kidney
d) Study of liver

Answer : a) Study of Bones

8- Hepatology is the …?

a) Study of Bones
b) Study of Ants
c) Study of liver
d) Study of Kidney

Answer : c) Study of liver

9- Histology is the…?

a) Study of tissue
b) Study of Bones
c) Study of cells
d) Study of RBC

Answer : a) Study of tissue

10- Pulmonology is the…?

a) Study of Cells
b) Study of lungs
c) Study of hearts
d) None of these

Answer : b) Study of lungs

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