International index and report Best 15

In this Article, We would like to study about International index and report. International indexes and reports are published by various International Organizations and Institutions of the world, which indicate the status of countries in different regions of the world in that particular subject. On the basis of that, the organizations of the world work for them. In today’s article, we will know about some International Index and the organization issuing the report and their headquarters, etc.

International index and reports

International index and report

1. Human Development Report

In 1990, Economist Mahbub-ul-Haq of Pakistan and Economist Amartya Sen of India prepared the Human Development Report. This report is published every year by the United Nations Development Programme.

2. World Economic Forum (IMF)

It is a financial institution of UN which was established in the year 1945 and its headquarter is in Washington and it includes total 190 countries.

3. World Bank

It is an international financial institution which was established in 1944 in Washington. Presently, its headquarter is located in Washington in USA. A total of 189 countries are the member of this Organization.

4. United Nations Development Programme

It was established in 1965 by the member country of the United Nations which headquarters was decided to be located in New York. Its purpose is to remove poverty, sustainable economic growth and human development in different countries of the world.

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5. United Nations

The United Nations was established in 1945 with its headquarters in New York City. It is the world’s largest international organization with 193 member states and 2 observing states. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization whose objective is to establish peace and security throughout the world.

6. German watch E.V

It was established in the year 1991 and its headquarter is in Bonn, Germany. It is a non-profit, non-governmental agency known for publishing climate change performance index and global climate risk index.

7. Institute for Economics and peace

It is a Sydney, Australia based global think tank known for releasing global peace index and global terrorism index.

8. Reporters without Borders

Established in 1985, it is a non-profit, non-governmental organization headquarter in Paris, France. It is known for releasing the World Press Freedom Index.

9. Economists Intelligence Unit

The Economist Group is a London, England-based media company whose research and analysis division is called the Economist Intelligence Unit. It is famous for publishing the World Democracy Index.

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10. Henley & Partners

It is a London based private company known for issuing Henley Passport Index and Quality of Nationality index.

MCQs on International index and report

Q1. Which International organization published “Global Cyber security outlook”?
i) World Bank
ii) World Economics Forum
iii) UNDP
iv) UN


Q2. Which International organization published “Chief Economists outlook”?
i) World Bank
ii) IMF
iii) World Economics Forum
iv) UN


Q3. Which International organization published “Global Risks Report”?
i) World Bank
ii) IMF
iii) UNDP
iv) World Economics Forum


Q4. Which International organization published “World Economic Outlook”?
i) World Bank
ii) IMF
iii) UNDP
iv) World Economics Forum


Q5. Which of the following reports is published by Institute for economics and peace?
i) Climate change performance report
ii) Human Capital Index
iii) Global Hunger report
iv) Global Terrorism Index


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Q6. Which of the following reports is published by Germanwatch e.V?
i) Climate change performance report
ii) Human Capital Index
iii) Global Hunger report
iv) World Happiness index


Q7. Which of the following reports is not published by “World Economic Forum”?
i) Global Competitiveness report
ii) Global Gender Gap report
iii) Human Development report
iv) Global Cyber Security Outlook


Q8. Which International organization published “Ease of doing Business”?
i) World Bank
ii) IMF
iii) UNDP
iv) World Economics Forum


Q9. Which International organization published “Global Peace Index”?
i) World Bank
ii) UN
iii) Institute for Economics and peace
iv) World Economics Forum


Q10. Which International organization published “World Democracy index”?
i) IMF
ii) Economists Intelligence Unit
iii) Institute for Economics and peace
iv) German watch


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Q11. Which of the following reports is published by World Bank?
i) Human Capital index
ii) Global Hunger report
iii) World press freedom report
iv) Passport index


Q12. ” Sustainable development index is prepared by…?

i) World Bank
ii) UN
iii) Institute for Economics and peace
iv) World Economics Forum


Q13. Where is the headquarter of International non profit organization ” Reporters without borders”?
i) Geneva
ii) Washington
iii) Paris
iv) Rome


Q14. Where is the headquarter of Global Think tank “Institute for Economics and peace”
i) Tokyo
ii) Sydney
iii) Paris
iv) London


Q15. Which International organization published “Global Economics freedom index”?
i) World Bank
ii) IMF
iii) Reporters without borders
iv) The heritage foundation


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