Science MCQs Quiz-1

In this Article, We would like to solve science MCQs which are very important for various exam like SSC , PSC, and Various state exams.

Lets Practise Science MCQs-30

Q1. Which of the following help in changing the curvature of the Eye lens?

i) Vitreous humor
ii) Aqueous humor
iii) Sclera
iv) Ciliary Muscles


Q2. Amount of light entering the eye is controlled by…?
i) Cornea
ii) Iris
iii) Retina
iv) Pupils


Q3. Curvature of an Eye lens is controlled by…?

i) Iris
ii) Ciliary Muscles
iii) Retina
iv) Cornea


Q4. A person is suffering from myopia, in this condition …?

i) Image is formed exactly on the retina but poor in quality
ii) Image is formed beyond the retina
iii) Image is formed before the retina
iv) No image is formed in the case of distant objects


Q5. Which of the following is the main cause of Myopia?

i) Contraction of Eyeball
ii) Elongation of Eyeball
iii) Increase in focal length of the eyeball
iv) Decrease in Radius of Curvature


Q6. Which of the following is true about saponification?

i) It is a process in which esters are converted into salt
ii) It is a process of making soap
iii) It is a process in which acetic acid is formed
iv) It is a process in which Heavy compounds break into a simpler compound


Q7. Which of the following is an example of a Covalent bond?

i) methane
ii) Hydrogen molecule
iii) Nitrogen Molecule
iv) All the above


Q8. Which of the following gas can be used as a refrigerant?

i) Ammonia
ii) Oxygen
iii) Methane
iv) Nitrogen

science mcq

Q9. The General formula for Alkanes is CnH2n+2 where n is the …?

i) Any value from 0 to 9
ii) Number of hydrogen atoms
iii) Number of carbon atoms
iv) Number of bonds present in the compound


Q10. Minimum number of carbon atoms require in an unsaturated compound is…?

i) 2
ii) 3
iii) 4
iv) 1


Q11. As we know that the General formula for Alkanes is CnH2n+2. Name the compound when n= 4

i) Ethane
ii) Butane
iii) Propane
iv) Pentane


Q12. 0.03% carbon is present in the atmosphere in the form of…?

i) Only CO2
ii) Only CO
iii) CO and CO2
iv) CO, CO2, and many hydrocarbons


Q13. Hydrogenation is an example of…?

i) Displacement reaction
ii) Substitution reaction
iii) Addition reaction
iv) Double displacement reaction


Q14. Main constituent of Liquified petroleum gas(LPG) is…?

i) Methane
ii) Ethane
iii) Propane
iv) Butane


Q15. Main constituent of Compressed Natural gas( CNG) is…?

i) Methane
ii) Ethane
iii) Propane
iv) Butane


Q16. There is two part of the soap, the first is hydrophobic and the second is hydrophilic. Select the correct statement…?

i) Hydrophobic is soluble in oil and hydrophilic is soluble in water

ii) Hydrophobic is soluble in water and hydrophilic is soluble in oil

iii) Hydrophobic and hydrophilic both are soluble in oil

iv) Hydrophobic and hydrophilic both are soluble in water


Q17. You have three solutions A, B, and C of Ph values 6, 7, and 8 respectively. Select the correct statement…?

i) Solution A is Basic in Nature
ii) Solution B is Basic in Nature
iii) Solution C is Basic in Nature
iv) Solution A is acidic while B is Basic in Nature


Q18. Aromatic compounds are those compounds which…?

i) At least have one double bond
ii)At least have one triple bond
iii) At least have one double bond and one Trippel bond
iv) Alternative double and single bond


Q19. Main function of the Cerebellum is/are…?

i) To control the Emotions
ii) To control the blood movement
iii) To control body movements and posture
iv) To control speech, reading, writing, etc.


Q20. Select the incorrect statement about the cerebrum?

i) It is the largest part of the brain
ii) It comprises 2/3rd weight of the brain
iii) It controls language and speech.
iv) It’s located in front of the brain


Q21. Which part of the human brain is responsible for communication, memory, emotions, reasoning etc?

i) Cerebrum
ii) Cerebellum
iii) Brain stem
iv) Medulla


Q22. Which of the following part of the brain connect Cerebrum to the spinal cord and Cerebellum?

i) Medulla
ii) Brainstem
iii) Accommodation
iv) Corpus callosum


Q23. Human Brain is divided into how many parts?

i) 2
ii) 3
iii) 4
iv) 5


Q24. Consider the following statements

a. Cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres.

b. Right hemisphere of the cerebrum controls the right part of the body and the left hemisphere control the left part of the body.

Select the correct statement

i) Only a is correct
ii) Only b is correct
iii) Both a and b are correct
iv) Both a and b are incorrect


Q25. If you see your image in a mirror and your image appears bigger than you, it shows the mirror is…?

i) Convex
ii) Concave
iii) Plane
iv) Cylindrical


Q26. The carboxylic acids containing more than 15 carbon atoms?

i) Soap
ii) Fatty acid
iii) Detergent
iv) Emulsion


Q27. When vegetable oils are heated in the presence of sodium hydroxide, we get…?

i) Ester
ii) Soap
iii) Detergent
iv) Alcohol


Q28. The chemical formula for Acetic acid is…?

i) COOH2
ii) CH2OOH
iii) CH3CH2OH


Q29. Acetic acid is found in…?

i) Ant sting
ii) Vinegar
iii) Tomato
iv) Mango


Q30. Curd is the main source of …

i) Uric acid
ii) Tartaric acid
iii) Oxalic acid
iv) Lactic acid


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