Indian and World geography Quiz-5

In this Article, We would like to solve some questions related to Indian and World geography. Questions related to World geography have been asked many times in competitive examinations. Here we will present some questions that have been asked previously in exams like the SSC, PSC, or other important examinations. So try to solve the MCQs and don’t give up until you achieve the goal of your life. Best of Luck.

Lets Practice Indian and World geography

Q1. Java” island is part of which country?

i) Malaysia
ii) Indonesia
iii) Australia
iv) Singapore


Q2. Japan shares its land border with which country?

i) North Korea
ii) South Korea
iii) Russia
iv) None of these


Q3. Japan is a part of…?

i) East Asia
ii) Central Asia
iii) West Asia
iv) South-west Asia


Q4. Through which country does the Mekong River not flow?

i) Myanmar
ii) Laos
iii) Thailand
iv) Indonesia


Q5. The second largest River in Asia is…

i) Mekong River
ii) Yellow River
iii) Yangtze River
iv) Brahmaputra River


Q6. The Mekong River drained into…

i) Bay of Bengal
ii) South China Sea
iii) Red Sea
iv) Bering Sea


Q7. The Yellow River flows through which country?

i) China
ii) Cambodia
iii) Philippines
iv) Indonesia


Q8. Which of the following is the longest river in Russia that entirely flows through Russia?

i) Volga River
ii) Kama River
iii) Lena River
iv) Pechora River


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GK Question Answer in English Quiz-4

Q9. Which of the following is the National River of Russia?

i) Volga River
ii) Kama River
iii) Lena River
iv) Pechora River


Q10. Which of the following boundaries forms the conventional boundary between Asia and Europe?

i) Korab
ii) Hindukush
iii) Elbrus
iv) Ural


Indian and world geography Part-II

Q11. Volga River drained into…?

i) Black Sea
ii) Caspian Sea
iii) Mediterranean Sea
iv) South China Sea


Q12. Ural River drained into…?

i) Black Sea
ii) Caspian Sea
iii) Mediterranean Sea
iv) South China Sea

Indian and World geography

Q13. Tigris River and Euphrates River flows through which countries?

i) Turkey, Iraq and Syria
ii) Turkey, Iraq, Iran
iii) Syria, Iraq, Iran
iv) Turkey, Egypt, Syria


Q14. Consider the following statements:

a. BIMSTEC is an International organization formed in 1997.
b. Pakistan joined this group in 1999.

Correct statements are:

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Also Read Tiger Reserves in India project 1973

Q15. Consider the following statements

a. Appiko movement was the similar movement to Chipko launched in South India in 1983.
b. It was the forest and Wild animal conservation movement first started in Uttarakhand (then U P)

Correct statements is/ are…?

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Q16. Consider the following statements

a. National Minority day in India is observed on 18th December.

b. Jains are not included in minority community in India.

Correct statements is/ are…?

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Q17. Consider the following statements:

a. The Caucasus Mountains are spread between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea

b. Mount Elbrus is the highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains

c. Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia are some of the major countries of the Caucasus region

Correct statements are:

i) Only a and c
ii) Only b and c
iii) Only a and b
iv) a, b and c are correct


Q18. Consider the following statements:

a. The Group of three Himalayan peaks known as “Trishul” is located in Nepal.

b. it’s average height is 7750m

Correct statements are:

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Q19. Consider the following statements

a. Tenure of Chairman of Human right commission is 3 years

b. Human right commission has right to punish for the violation of Human rights.

Correct statements is/ are…?

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Q20. Consider the following statements:

a. The National Human Rights commission( NHRC) is a Constitutional body

b. President of India appointed chairman of NHRC on the recommendation of committee headed by the Prime Minister.

Correct statements are:

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Indian and world geography, Part-III

Q21. Consider the following statements:

a. Chairman of State public service commission is appointed by the governors of respective states

b. Chairman of state public service commission can only be removed by Chief justice of India

Correct statements are?

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b

Indian and World geography

Q22. Consider the following statements:

a. Prime Minister can’t become a member of Human rights commission

b. The chairman of Human Rights Commission should be retired Chief justice or judge of India

Correct statements are:

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Q23. Consider the following statements regarding Election commission of India:

a. It’s a Independent and Permanent body consisting of three members

b. Chief Election commissioner and other election commissioners received unequal salaries as per the decision of the President

c. Tenure of Chief election commissioner is 6 years or till the day he attains the age of 65 years

d. The chief election commissioner may be removed in the same manner as provided for the judges of the Supreme Court, but other Election commissioners can be removed by the president on the recommendation of the chief election commissioner.

Correct statements are…

i) a , b and c
ii) b, c and d
iii) a, b and d
iv) a, c, and d


Q24. Which part of the Constitution of India deals with the Election Commission?

i) XI
ii) XIII
iii) XV
iv) XVI


Q25. Consider the following statements:

a. The Shanghai cooperation organization was formed in 2001.

b. For the first time in the history, India Hosted SCO Summit in 2023

Correct statements are…?

i) Only a
ii) Only b
iii) Both a and b
iv) Neither a nor b


Q26. Consider the following statements regarding G-7 Group

a. It was formed in 1975

b. Australia is the founding member of this group

c. G-7 Summit 2023 was held in Italy

Correct statements are…?

i) Only a
ii) Only a and b
iii) Only b and c
iv) a , b and c


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