Sound Wave General Science MCQ Best 2023

In this Article, We would like to study about Sound Wave.In this article you can Practise Sound Wave General Science MCQ on UV Rays, Infrared, Sound Wave etc. are such topics from which questions are asked in the various competitive exams like pcs , Railway, SSC and various state examinations, if you are interested in solving questions related to this, then try the Sound Wave MCQ given below, it will be helpful for you in the upcoming examinations.

Sound Wave General Science MCQ-1

Q-1 Night  vision devices use?
a) Ultraviolet waves
b) Infrared waves
c) Sonic waves
d) Echo

Ans – (b) Infrared waves

Explanation :
Human eyes are designed in such a way that they cannot see in the dark, humans do not have any means like bats, so they can use ultraviolet technology to identify the obstacles in their path, to solve this problem, scientists have Invented a night vision device in which a person can see in the night by using infrared waves. It is mostly used by the army. The best example of a night vision device can be night vision goggles.

The propagation of sound

Q-2 What is used in the TV remote?
a) Infrared waves
b) Ultraviolet waves
c) X- Rays
d) Microwaves

Ans- (a) Infrared waves

Explanation :
When you are near a heated surface(moderately heated), your skin feels the heat,  it may be because of infrared light, which is an electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is higher than visible light but the human eye cannot see this.
The wavelength of Infrared lies between visible light and radio waves and it can vary from 78 micrometers to 1000 micro meters.
Infrared is used in many places, some examples of which are as follows:
I)TV remote
ii)optical fiber
iii)laser application
iv)tattoo removal
v)treating skin injuries
vi)wrinkles smoothening
vii) thermal imaging camera

Q-3 Acoustics is related to which of the following?
a) study of language
b) study of birds
c) study of communication
d) study of sound

Ans (d) Study of sound

Explanation :
Sound is the originator of language, no language can be developed without sound, language is a medium to express thought, so you can say that sound is such a medium that you can convey your thought from one place to another. That’s why sound becomes very essential for our life and whatever is necessary for the existence of human society, its proper study is essential and Acoustics is the branch of physics that Deals with the study of sound.   

Q-4 Correctly match the sound source and its intensity.

Sound SourceIntensity (in decibel)
A-Loud talk50-60 DB
B- Sirens110-120 DB
C- Jet aircraftMore than 80 db
D- Noise140-150 DB

a )A-i ,B-ii, C-iv ,D-iii

b )A-i ,B-ii, C-iii ,D-iv

c) A-ii ,B-i, C-iv ,D-iii

d) A-i ,B-iii, C-ii ,D-iv

Ans (a)A-i ,B-ii, C-iv ,D-iii

Explanation :

Sound SourceIntensity (in decibel)
A-Loud talk50-60 Db
B- Sirens110-120 Db
C- Jet aircrafts140-150 Db
D- NoiseMore than 80 Db

Q-5 In column one the names of different mediums and in column 2 the speed of sound in different mediums are given, match both the columns correctly.


a)A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv

b)A-iv, B-i, C-iv, D-iii

c)A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

d)A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

Ans-(b) A-iv, B-i, C-iv, D-iii

Explanation :

Note: The speed of sound is highest in solid, less than solid in liquid, and lowest in air, the speed of light is zero in a vacuum.

Sound Wave General Science MCQ-2

Q-6 Ozone layer which protects the earth from UV rays is found in?

a) Troposphere

b) Stratosphere

c) Ionosphere

d) Mesosphere

Ans – (b) Stratosphere

The form of non-ionized energy. Non-ionized energy is the form of energy produced from a source that is less damaging for our body because it does not break the biological bond of our body, but such rays produce too many heats, which is harmful to us, for the ecosystem of our earth, for the water cycle on the Earth. To avoid this, nature has created a layer of ozone in the atmosphere, which is called the ozone layer, it is found in the stratosphere.  

Q-7 You must have used an oven sometime in your life. The oven is normally used for heating food, roasting bread, etc. Which of the following is used in the oven for heating?

a) Radiowaves

b) Gamma Rays

c) UV Rays

d) Microwaves

Ans (d) Microwaves

Would you like food that is cooked from outside but raw from inside, yes, if visible light or infrared is used in the oven, you will get food that will be cooked from outside but will remain raw from inside because visible rays and Infrared both have less penetration power and there are more chances that they are absorbed by food, it is not so with microwave, its penetration power is more than others and it cooks the food by heating it from inside.  

Q-8 Which of these rays is helpful in the study of the different internal structures of solids?

a) X- Rays

b) Gamma Rays

c) Beta Rays

d) UV Rays 

Ans – (a) X- Rays

We will use the ray which has more penetration power to study the structure of solid, but the penetration power of cosmic ray and gamma ray is more than X-Rays?, still why did the scientist choose X-Rays? Gamma ray can easily penetrate inside the solid but does not give a clear image of the internal structure of the body, while X-Rays presents a clear image of the internal structure of the solid, that is why scientist prefer X-Rays to see the internal structure of the solid.  

Q-9 Decibel is the unit of which physical quantity?

a) Heat intensity

b) Frequency

c) Wavelength

d) Intensity of sound

Ans (d) Intensity of sound

Such quantities which can be measured are called physical quantities and the measurement of these physical quantities is done in units, for example, the unit of mass is kilograms, a Unit of length is meter, etc. Similarly, the intensity of sound is measured in decibels.  

Q-10 Nature of a sound wave in solid is…..?

a) Longitudinal

b) Transverse

c) Longitudinal and transverse both

d) Sound cannot travel in solid.

Ans (c) Longitudinal and transverse both

The highest speed of sound is in solid because it can transmit both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. The dense the medium, the faster will be the propagation of sound in that medium, for example, the propagation of sound in the medium of water will be more than in the medium of air because water medium is denser than air medium.  

Q. Ozone layer which protects the earth from UV rays is found in?

Answer : Stratosphere

Q. What is used in the TV remote?

Answer : Infrared waves

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